For sure solutions, ask for assistance from Κenfood's technicians 17.05.2017

Ένας από τους πιο έμπειρους τεχνικούς μας, Χρήστος Τσουμάνης Ένας από τους πιο έμπειρους τεχνικούς μας, Χρήστος Τσουμάνης

Kenfood has a trained team of technicians that offers bakery and confectionery consultancy services to a large range of businesses in the industry within Greece and abroad.

The company's goal is for the professional to be informed on the best use of the products - solutions available and to receive expert advice for the resolution of technical bakery and confectionery issues.

Call Kenfood’s technicians network to take part in a live product presentation or book an appointment at your location for the provision of personalized services


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